So I just recently got a new PC and had to reinstall a bunch of things. The N64 was never a particularly great looking system, but compared to the PSX and PS2 emulators available even the current so called 'best' offerings for N64 emulation look terrible. You will receive an ads-free Reddit experience, access to r/lounge and 700 Coins for every month you are subscribed.
Project 64 is the best one out there for N64 emulation so yes it is legit and safe. It actually has an emulation bug when crawling through the slide hole in the first dungeon.
So you post and see if someone more experienced can help you (the purpose of the app right?) So that u only have to put a n64 game in the wrapper and u have a. Project64k 0.13 core1.4 (Windows) Downloads : Filename: Size: Downloads: Updated: 1.